
You May Now Kiss the Cooks


For Lynnie Thieme, 1996 was the Year of the Wedding. Not her own, but everyone else’s.

First in the series was her brother’s. Not content to give him and his wife-to-be a Lucite chip ‘n’ dip set or anything else on the registry, Thieme decided to create a personalized cookbook for the happy couple by soliciting favorite recipes from their friends and family. The gift was such a hit that Thieme began creating the colorful books for all of her altar-bound friends, who in turn commissioned Thieme to make them for their friends. Thus was born Cookbook Creations.

Although Thieme does very little editing of the recipes she receives, she does enjoy reading them.

“I am amazed at how many cookbooks contain one or more recipes for pretzel salad,” Thieme says.


Pretzel salad?

“It’s a dessert salad with pretzels,” Thieme says. (Maybe this explains why so many people eat out with their relatives.)

Despite the occasional dud recipe, Thieme says that most people who receive one of her cookbooks tell her that it was their favorite gift or the hit of the party.

“The person who gives it tends to get a lot of credit,” Thieme says. “They get invited to everything. And the book goes to everything too, because everyone wants to see it.”

Best of all, by giving a Cookbook Creations cookbook, you are nearly assured a dinner invitation from the newlyweds. Pretzel salad, anyone?

For information: Log on to or call (860) 859-3362..
