
Driver of Tow Truck Fatally Beaten


An apparent business rivalry took a deadly turn Sunday when a Pacoima tow-truck driver was fatally beaten, allegedly by a man who believed that he was stealing a customer, police said.

David Bass, 37, died at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in Mission Hills after the altercation in the 11400 block of Borden Avenue around 12:30 p.m., according to Los Angeles Police Det. Frank Bishop of the Foothill Division.

The suspect was in custody and being interviewed by Foothill detectives. No arrests had been made as of late Sunday.


“The suspect struck the victim in the neck and head with a blunt object,” Bishop said. “The dispute was over the fact that the suspect accused the victim of taking business he should have had.”

Bass apparently had come to the neighborhood to tow a disabled truck to a salvage yard, the detective said. While there, he was spotted by the rival, who had also allegedly picked a fight with another man down the street, police said.

Police said the two men had met before.

An investigation was continuing, Bishop said.
