
House Votes to Close ‘Mothballed’ Draft Agency : Military: Proposal would cut funding for system of registering teenagers, last needed during Vietnam War. Senate is expected to restore funding, however.


The House on Wednesday endorsed a proposal to abolish the Selective Service System, an action that would jettison the draft-registration agency, an unnecessary remnant of the Cold War era, according to critics.

The House voted, 232 to 187, against providing $24 million in annual funding for the agency, which continues to register young men for the military draft even though no one has been called to service since the Vietnam War.

It remains unlikely that Congress ultimately will deny the funding. Opponents of abolishing the draft, who see such a move as a blow to military readiness, are expected to prevail when the issue comes before the Senate.


Still, the House vote to pull the plug on the agency is symbolic of the far-reaching changes in federal government operations that Congress is considering so it can comply with tight budget constraints that Republican leaders have refused to ease.

The Selective Service agency was targeted by those who argue it is no longer relevant. “It’s a mothballed program that is not delivering any current services,” said Rep. James T. Walsh (R-N.Y.).

The vote came as the House debated a bill--one of 13 needed to keep the government operating after the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1--that would fund a hodgepodge of housing, veterans, environment and space programs. A final House vote on the bill is expected later this week.

The future of the Selective Service System was the subject of a remarkably brief debate. The agency, which received a budget of $25 million last year, requires all men to register when they turn 18 for a potential future draft. However, there has been no draft since 1973, near the end of the Vietnam War. The spending bill approved by the House Appropriations Committee included only $7 million, which would cover the cost of terminating the agency.

Defenders of the agency said the system should remain in operation to ensure that an immediate supply of manpower could be provided to the armed services if the draft is reinstituted. Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-San Diego) cited a report showing that, if the agency is abolished, it would take a year to establish a new draft registration system.

“Any delay in that would be foolhardy,” said Cunningham, who led the charge to fund the agency.


Critics said no current defense scenarios call for personnel needs that could not be met by the existing military force, reserves and the National Guard.

But Walsh made clear that the effort to abolish the agency was driven more by budget pressures than military policy. “This is a matter of funds,” said Walsh. “This is a time in our history when we should use our money to take care of the needs of the people . . . and stop paying for mothballed programs.”

Still, the agency is likely to find strong support when the Senate takes up its version of the spending bill in the next week or two.

“We certainly intend to fund it at the president’s request for the Selective Service,” said a senior Republican aide to the Senate Appropriations Committee.”

“I get no sense from any of our members that this would be the right time to abolish the Selective Service--especially without a significant debate and discussion,” the aide added.
