
LAPD Probe


* Last month LAPD Chief Bernard Parks said that he would like to ban and confiscate legally purchased firearms from law-abiding citizens. His explanation was that in the name of safety there was no place for such guns in a civilized society. Now the chief has acknowledged that some of his officers are guilty of shooting unarmed citizens and then planting guns on them to make it look like the shootings were in self-defense. Maybe the chief needs to rethink which members of our society are more dangerous when in possession of guns.


Studio City

* The LAPD is accused of using excessive force, possibly leading to the death of at least one innocent. Maybe worse, from a systemic point of view, is that evidence has recently come to light suggesting widespread corruption in covering up the incident--the infamous code of silence. So, who has been given responsibility for investigating and ultimately bringing the full, unvarnished truth into the public domain? The Federal Bureau of Investigation. Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?


