
In With a Ruff Crowd


The Nuts for Mutts third annual dog show at Pierce College in March drew a menagerie of some of the strangest dogs (and owners) in Southern California. Sponsored by the New Leash on Life Animal Rescue, the Animal Planet cable channel and other supporters, the contest awarded ribbons in 31 categories, including Biggest Ears, Best Singer and Longest Tail. We asked why it’s a dog’s life.


Delia Kroenke

Neonatal-care worker


With Lucky, 4, corgi-terrier mix

What category did Lucky enter?

Fastest Eater. He’s always the first in our family to eat and the first one done.

How did Lucky come into your life?

He picked us. He followed us home. We brought him to a shelter in Camarillo. Nobody wanted him, so we adopted him.

Standout personality traits?

He likes to play rough. He is smart but always wigglish.

Funniest prank?

Stealing a bone from the table.

Most horrifying behavior?

Too much barking.

Are owners like their dogs?

I talk too much. He barks too much. Sometimes I eat too much and too fast.

Do all dogs go to heaven?

Yes. They have a pure soul.


Dorean Altobano

Fashion designer


With Sorrento, 2, terrier mix

What category did Sorrento enter?

The Mystery Mutt competition.

How did you meet Sorrento?

At a shelter in Camarillo. We got him a month after we got married. I believe the dog finds you. We kept going back to him.


Standout personality traits?

Kind of “Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, play with me.” This is a smiley dog.

Sorrento’s funniest moment?

At the pound, they put them in this pen to run around so you can see their personality. He was so excited he ran right into the gate. I thought he was blind.

Most horrifying behavior?

He’ll open up the cupboard with his nose and his paw and take the Tupperware out. He just licks it and moves it around the counter.

Are owners like their dogs?

This dog has bad hair days, just like me.

Do all dogs go to heaven?

Absolutely. They bring love and joy to people. They’re God’s angels.


Marnye Summers

Veterinary technician

Agua Dulce

With Brillo, 5, terrier mix

What category did Brillo enter?

Physically challenged. He got second place.

How did you meet Brillo?

He was close to death. He was run over by a bus. The police brought the dog in to where I work. We had to have the right front leg amputated, but the next day he was up.

Standout personality traits?

He is an absolute lunatic. He won’t listen to my husband. He only listens to me. He’s a free spirit.

If Brillo were an actor, what would his big movie be?

“Chariots of Fire.” This dog runs like the wind on three legs. He was in a couple of sitcoms. They’ve both been canceled.

Are owners like their dogs?

Look at the hair. He’s a free spirit and a runner. I would never put him into obedience school. There’s a lot of me in this dog.


Do all dogs go to heaven?

Yes, but the special ones come back to you in the form of another dog.


Julie Erickson


Pacific Palisades

With Dodger, 2, Dalmation-terrier mix

What category did Dodger enter?

He won third in Best Terrier Mix. In Best Dancer, he got third. My daughter danced with him.

How did you meet Dodger?

I had no interest in getting a dog. It was Mother’s Day. My husband sent me to the farmers market. They have a pet adoption. This one day I decided to look. He had bloodshot eyes and was so skinny and scared and sad. It was love at first sight.

Standout personality traits?

All he wants to do is play. He’s like a 5-year-old boy.

Dodger’s funniest moment?

We had a birthday party for him. We invited like 10 dogs, and had a cake made of chicken and rice. He had a party hat on. My husband was cleaning up dog poo.

Most horrifying behavior?

Bad gas.

Do all dogs go to heaven?

Most. Some dogs can be a little mean. They’ll have to be born again.
