
The LAUSD Fouled Up on Ambassador Plan


Re “Board OKs Romer Plan,” Oct. 13: Once again, the majority of the board of the Los Angeles Unified School District has shown incredible ineptitude in its ability to balance the needs of preservation with the needs of our children. The board had a chance to build a school and preserve an important landmark -- the Ambassador Hotel. The L.A. Conservancy laid out an extremely compelling possibility for full preservation that would have been affordable and in the best interests of all parties.

But due to the shortsightedness and lack of creativity on the part of the majority of the board, the hotel will be destroyed and replaced with another cheap-looking architectural disaster that is not worthy of our schoolchildren or Los Angeles. In years to come, tourists will look at the pathetic eyesore where the Ambassador once stood across from the tacky mini-mall that was once the Brown Derby and wonder ... who makes these asinine decisions? Visionless bureaucrats like the majority of the board of the LAUSD, that’s who.

Tim Grant



What a shame! Another piece of history to be torn down by people who do not give a darn about our city’s history. It will just be another excuse to not deal with our increasing population and lower test scores. It’s time to remove the officials who voted to raze the Ambassador and replace them with people who don’t have agendas and kowtow to special-interest bullies.


Laura Ridnor

