
Out of order!

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist of the Lexington Herald-Leader. His work also appears in USA Today.

Editorial cartoonists can make a federal case out of anything. We filed plenty of dissenting opinions as the 2005 Supreme Court session wound down. Like the justices, we didn’t know where to build the wall between church and state. As for Justice Sandra “Call It A” Day O’Connor, cartoonists have an early favorite from the lists of possible replacements. Federal appellate Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III not only has a visage ripe for caricature, but he dissented in the 1986 satire case of Falwell vs. Flynt, saying, “Nothing is more thoroughly democratic than to have the high and mighty lampooned and spoofed.” The Supreme Court unanimously agreed, and so, for once, did all cartoonists.

-- Joel Pett
