Stem Cell Breakthrough Offers Patients Hope
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Re “Cloned Embryos Created to Match Stem Cells, Patients,” May 20: It galls me to hear that South Korea has made a groundbreaking discovery in the advancement of stem cell research. We used to be at the forefront of medical advances. If allowed, this discovery may eventually save the lives of millions of people suffering from the most heinous of diseases and disabilities.
But an arrogant, shortsighted president insists on forcing his delusional religious agenda on science. In other words, it’s more important to save embryos than millions of folks paralyzed and dying.
Anthony J. Frascino
Audubon, N.J.
Yes! A perfect match kidney cloned from one’s own skin cells; available in three to five years, I figure, as already using this technique kidneys have been cloned in mice and in cows. Great timing for someone like myself with end-stage renal disease who’s been on hemodialysis for three years now. The five-year survival rate on dialysis is about 25%. Better than nothing, but with a cloned kidney it’ll be live forever. Why not!
J.R. Kent MD
Huntington Beach