
Clouding the issues on global warming


Re “Alone on the shrinking ice,” Opinion, April 21

I applaud Laurie David’s efforts, but she is incorrect to state that “the debate [is] firmly behind us.” One of Karl Rove’s successes has been to use the uncertainty inherent in the scientific method as a call to inaction by politicians and to create a perverse suspicion of scientists’ motives. A review of nearly 100 articles from top scientific journals found unanimous support for human effect on global warming, and yet the administration continues to push the party line that “we just don’t know for sure, so there’s nothing we can do.” As usual, a confused public is unable to see the truth and be appropriately outraged. Regrettably, until influential people such as David actually do put the debate firmly behind us, I fear there will be little public support for the sacrifices necessary to do the right thing.


Santa Monica
