
No gold mine at Trump seminar


I attended Donald Trump’s Creating Wealth Summit earlier this year. I tend to be skeptical about these seminars, but I was curious. Like you said (“Trump name sells old game,” Consumer Confidential, Dec. 12), it was all about the art of the deal.

Three thousand dollars for a seminar with a David Craig, who said you can turn Wall Street into your own personal gold mine. If you wanted online support it was “only $50.” I left with my wallet intact, thankfully.

Yvonne Guerra


Readers also should be aware that in following the advice of the Trump seminar or similar get-rich-quick plans involving foreclosure sales, not only are they taking advantage of someone in a vulnerable situation, they could be breaking the law.


California’s Home Equity Purchase Protection Act has very specific rules for purchasing a home in default, and another state law protects people whose homes are in foreclosure from certain specific conduct by mortgage consultants. Penalties can be civil or criminal.

David G. Lim,

Deputy district attorney, Alameda County D.A.’s office
