
Hard healthcare truths

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Re “Dear Mr. Obama,” Opinion, Aug. 27

Anne Lamott’s heartfelt letter to President Obama is certainly stirring. But, unfortunately, neither she nor perhaps even Obama understood the strength of the companies and organizations that oppose the medical care that every American should have. When Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to launch a healthcare program, it was labeled “Hillarycare.” And wow, Hillary and healthcare reform were done. As soon as Obama’s plan was labeled “Obama-care,” I knew the program was cooked.

The powers that want to continue making money from medical care are far too powerful to overcome -- they have done an excellent job of riling up the uninformed masses and in giving the conservative radio commentators a vehicle.

No, Anne, there is no way that you or Obama can give this nation the medical care it needs.


Martin A. Brower

Corona del Mar

Dear Ms. Lamott: You need to understand the way the real world operates.

Obama can’t “give” anybody healthcare. Only doctors and hospitals can do that. And they want to get paid. Kind of like people like you who write books.

All Obama can do is to take money from taxpayers and give it to “care providers” in the hopes that they will make you feel all better. Even worse, only those nasty people in Congress can raise taxes. And they keep worrying about being reelected.

So they are going to do what any smart 7-year-old would do. Borrow the money now and let someone else -- like your grandchildren -- worry about paying it back.


So don’t be mad at the president; he really wants to give you healthcare. And cash for your clunkers. And a sound economic system. And a happy life.

If only those things didn’t cost money.

Arthur O. Armstrong

Manhattan Beach


This is a thank you to Lamott for speaking for us.

Here I am at age 72 on Medicare, feeling a little guilty because my medical bills are small.

Of course, before that, I was self-employed and had to go on a state program for people who can’t get insurance. It was very expensive, but thankfully, I could afford it.


I was so happy when I turned 65. Isn’t that sad?

Two of my three children do not have health insurance because of the expense and preexisting conditions.

How can we really feel proud of our country?

Only the people who have never been on this side of it are against healthcare reform.

Cleora Leist

Hacienda Heights


I take great exception to Lamott’s statement, “The other 66,880,655 of us wanted universal healthcare.” She does not speak for me.

And bipartisanship was the furthest thing from my mind. I voted for Obama, but not because it would ensure universal healthcare.

I was looking for someone to rein in government spending on such things as the war in Iraq and bank bailouts.

Oh -- I forgot -- that’s what Washington is good at.

And by the way, Anne, you do “sound like a betrayed 7-year-old.” You dared to hope -- but forgot that Obama is a politician too.

Linda Navroth

Culver City
