
20 Super Bowl party essentials

(mphillips / Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The Daily Meal

If you’re like most people, chances are the first party you’re throwing in the new year is a Super Bowl watch party. After Dry January and failed New Year’s resolutions, when Super Bowl Sunday rolls around, people are ready to drink, indulge in game day food, and watch some football (maybe).

For the 20 Super Bowl Party Essentials Gallery, click here.

But perhaps you’re a little rusty on your hosting duties after the madness of the holiday season. Or maybe you’ve never thrown a party before in your entire life and the Super Bowl is your first rodeo. If that’s you, there’s no need to sweat it. A Super Bowl watch party is the easiest event to pull off. All you need is some friends, some delicious bad-for-you food, beer, and a TV set.


OK, maybe it’s not quite that simple, but it is easy. And if you’re still worried, there’s no need to worry any longer. We’ve broken down the 20 Super Bowl party essentials you need for your event this year. From the guest list to the menu to the drinks and everything in between, here’s everything you need to know before Super Bowl Sunday comes around.

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