
Readers React: Hollywood Reporter’s sensitivity to powerful women’s feelings does them no favors

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To the editor: In her interview with Patt Morrison, Janice Min, chief executive of the Hollywood Reporter, tells of an influential woman in the entertainment industry who burst into tears and left a red-carpet event because her rank on the Hollywood Reporter’s top 100 women in entertainment list had fallen from the previous year. (“Patt Morrison asks Janice Min: Power-lister,” Opinion, Dec. 9)

This is the moment Min “began to get a real sense of how possibly destructive these sort of rankings were.” So this year, the tears won out and the ranking was eliminated.

To the Hollywood Reporter: Women displayed as too sensitive for these types of rankings is a tired singular depiction — and not a very “powerful” one. I’m sure a few men on a power list who may have fallen from No. 5 to 20, 40 or, heaven forbid, 80 or 99 may have been irked and had a moist-eye moment themselves.


I think all these powerful people can handle their yearly fluctuations in rank. And if they can’t, how powerful are they really?

Elizabeth Bentel, South Pasadena

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