
Readers React: Sarah Huckabee Sanders couldn’t resist attacking the media in her response to Omarosa

Omarosa Manigault Newman watches while President Trump speaks at the White House in February 2017.
(Saul Loeb / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: I get it — President Trump does not like Omarosa Manigault Newman’s tell-all book about her time in the White House, calling her a “lowlife.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders echoes her boss, calling Manigault Newman a “disgruntled former White House employee” who is “trying to profit off these false attacks.” Fair enough — both Trump and Sanders have the right to be critical of the former Trump staffer.

But it is another remark by Sanders that made me get off the couch to write this letter. Sanders says it is “even worse that the media would now give her a platform.”


Well, Ms. Sanders, what should the media do, ignore the very public comments of a former Trump advisor and darling? To ignore Manigualt Newman’s book, the media would be judging a newsworthy event rather than reporting it. It seems to me that Sanders does not know the difference between the two.

Dennis G. Cosso, Arcadia


To the editor: If Trump believes Manigault Newman is a “lowlife,” why did he hire her in the first place? The president has pretty poor personnel management, in my opinion.


Steve Mehlman, Beaumont

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