
Letters to the Editor: If the FDA rushes a COVID-19 vaccine, Trump should be the first to take it

COVID-19 vaccine study
A volunteer receives a shot in a first-stage study of a potential COVID-19 vaccine March 16 in Seattle.
(Ted S. Warren / Associated Press)
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To the editor: If the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves a COVID-19 vaccine prematurely because of political pressure before it’s proven safe and effective, the name of the FDA should change to the Fake News and Disinformation Agency.

The only way a premature vaccine could achieve any credibility would be for the president, vice president, FDA commissioner and their families to roll up their sleeves and take the vaccine at the time of the announcement.

Otherwise, I will not be rolling up my sleeve anytime soon.

Arthur L. Wisot, MD, Rolling Hills Estates



To the editor: I have read the letter from Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to state governments about COVID-19 vaccine distribution. I have difficulty reading into it that the Trump administration is plainly counting on a vaccine being approved by Nov. 3 or any other date.

It very clearly states that the potential waivers that may be requested are for the warehouse and distribution facilities, which will be needed. The waivers will not compromise the safety or integrity of the product itself.

It would be foolish to have a vaccine and not be able to distribute it. If that were to happen, it would be appropriate to criticize the CDC.


Until then, why don’t we all get behind the effort and stop booing from the sidelines?

Kevin Minihan, Los Angeles


To the editor: I am surprised that the CDC director and others are falling for the promise of a vaccine for COVID-19 before Nov. 3.

Have they forgotten about thalidomide, the sedative that was later found to be responsible for severe birth defects and deformities after many women had been prescribed the drug during pregnancy? This happened only 60 years ago, and the sedative had taken years to develop.


Do these experts know what the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccine could be? Already they are promising that millions of doses will be ready to distribute as soon as the FDA gives its approval.

This is absolutely insane.

Charles Blankson, Fontana
