
Letters to the Editor: I’ve tried reasoning with very smart anti-vaxxers. It’s pointless

A woman holds a sign that reads, "My body my choice includes vaccines too."
Demonstrators protest against vaccine mandates in Lansing, Mich., on Aug. 6.
(Emily Elconin / Getty Images)
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To the editor: The anti-vaxxers with whom I’ve spoken seem highly intelligent, which makes their stance puzzling — but not entirely. Despite possessing a good intellect, they seem to be missing an essential body of knowledge. (“Biden’s vaccine rules ignite angry GOP opposition,” Sept. 11)

There’s no historical perspective and only a passing knowledge of even our most recent history, let alone any analysis of those events and its people. They don’t seem to care about universal notions of the common good over individual desires. Facts are consistently ignored unless prodded and even then fail to influence their reasoning.

This almost self-imposed lack of knowledge may be due to information age overload. Whatever the cause, it is particularly saddening given the needless suffering and death that their decisions inflict.


So, are we destined to succumb to our own folly and ignorance, much like great civilizations of the past? Fortunately, it appears there’s time for us to reverse our trajectory, but only if we act swiftly.

Unfortunately, the longer we travel down this path, the tougher it is to reverse our direction. The point of no return draws near with increasing speed, accelerating in recent years and even in recent days. Most frightening is that we may pass it before even realizing that we have.

Edward J. Butorac, Rancho Mirage



To the editor: As a young child, I was raised by a devout Christian Scientist whose religious tenets required putting full faith in God for healing, so doctors and vaccines were shunned.

I have vivid memories of being separated from the line of my kindergarten classmates, most of them crying their eyes out as they received their polio shots. I was exempt under the law from all mandatory vaccinations.

At the time I didn’t understand why I was spared the needle, but I knew my mother’s love was deep and her faith was sincere.


During our collective struggle to get past the pandemic, it is worthy to note that even Christian Scientists can look beyond themselves and accept responsibility for safeguarding everyone from a communicable disease. Why is it so hard for certain Republican politicians, acting like kids who don’t want to eat their vegetables, to understand that it is a moral obligation to act in the best interest of the entire populace?

Barbara Jackson, Cerritos


To the editor: At this point in the war against COVID-19, resistance to vaccines and wearing masks because of personal freedom brings to mind the “Forrest Gump” saying, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Today, Patrick Henry’s “give me liberty or give me death” takes on a whole new twisted meaning. No amount of logical or scientific explanation, or pleading for the safety of the vulnerable and our unvaccinated children, has convinced the GOP naysayers.

And so President Biden has chosen mandates to force intelligent action upon the holdouts. “Have at it,” he said to people who will challenge him legally. Good for him, and good for the well-being of our nation.

Ellen Seiden, Manhattan Beach
