
Captain America to take on Superman. WWE Net doesn’t wow Wall St.

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After the coffee. Before reading Comcast’s FCC public interest statement.

The Skinny: I may have to start working East Coast hours. It will just make life easier for me. Either that or I need to hire a clone. Anyway, Tuesday’s roundup includes stories about the WWE’s new online network and the beginning of Barbara Walters’ farewell tour. Also, Disney’s Marvel schedules its next Captain America movie to go head-to-head against “Superman vs. Batman.”

Daily Dose: Verizon FiOS doesn’t sound too optimistic about cutting a deal to carry the Dodger-owned, Time Warner Cable-distributed channel SportsNet LA. Verizon sent a letter to its subscribers in Los Angeles saying that while it has tried to cut a deal with Time Warner Cable for SportsNet LA, the terms being offered are neither fair or reasonable. In the meantime, Verizon is giving subscribers three months of free HBO.


Double takedown. The WWE’s new online network has almost 700,000 subscribers less than two months after its debut. Launched after the WWE passed on creating a traditional cable network, the over-the-top service is being watched closely by media analysts and the entertainment industry. The WWE has said it should reach a million subscribers this year, which would make the service break even. But despite what seems like good news, WWE’s headlock on over-the-top didn’t boost its shares, which were taken down by investors who were hoping (perhaps unrealistically) for bigger numbers. More on the service from the Los Angeles Times and New York Times.

Showdown. The next “Captain America” movie will face off against a couple other American icons -- Superman and Batman. Walt Disney Co., parent of Marvel, revealed that the third “Captain America” will open on May 6, 2016, which is a space also booked by Warner Bros. for “Superman vs. Batman.” The two movies will likely keep concession stand workers busy but they could also cannibalize each other. If I had a romantic comedy I might throw it in there just to make things real difficult for everyone. Bloomberg on the scheduling conflict.

Tough talk. Gordon Smith, the broadcasting industry’s top lobbyist, blasted the Federal Communications Commission in a speech at the opening session of the National Assn. of Broadcasters’ annual conference in Las Vegas. Smith suggested the FCC is bending over backward to assist every media and telecom business except broadcasters, which he said are regulated as if it was still the 1970s. Coverage of Smith’s fighting words from the Los Angeles Times and Broadcasting & Cable.


Selling to grow. IMAX Corp. will sell 20% of its China business to China Media Capital and private-equity firm FountainVest Partners for $40 million each, according to the Wall Street Journal. IMAX Chief Executive Richard Gelfond told the WSJ that the sale will increase IMAX’s revenue in the China market because it will open doors to new ventures.

Saying goodbye. Yankee star Derek Jeter isn’t the only one on a farewell tour this year. ABC News icon Barbara Walters is also stepping down this spring after a groundbreaking career that spanned more than five decades and paved the way for women in broadcast journalism. Walters is still trying to figure out who her last interview will be and is debating taking an art class in retirement. Variety chats with Walters.

Inside the Los Angeles Times: The major Hollywood studios have filed a huge copyright infrignement suit against the notorious Kim Dotcom and others linked to Megaupload, the website that offered illegal downloads of movies. Children have become a huge market for tablets.


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