
Seth MacFarlane takes heat! NBC’s Thursday mess.

Seth MacFarlane is taking heat for how he hosted the Oscars.
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After the coffee. Before doing something about these early hours.

The Skinny: Monday’s episode of “The Following” may have jumped the shark for me. Without giving anything away, I’ll only ask if we’re to believe that everyone is on it. Headlines for Tuesday include the backlash against Oscar host Seth MacFarlane and how NBC made a mess of Thursday night.

Daily Dose: Anyone thinking “Arrested Development” is coming back for the long haul should guess again. Netflix chief Reed Hastings said the show is likely around for only one more season. I’m guessing that Jason Bateman’s movie career is going way too well for him to consider jumping back into series television on a full-time basis.


You people are the stars! The big winners at the Oscars -- “Argo,” “Life of Pi,” “Silver Linings Playbook” and “Lincoln” -- were also strong performers at the box office among older viewers. Does that mean that Hollywood may actually start to green-light movies based on the quality of the script as opposed to the quality of the explosives and violence? Some in the industry think so, especially since grown-ups (I guess that’s me now) flocked to the big screen last year. I get why TV networks targets younger viewers. That’s whom advertisers want. But a movie studio shouldn’t care who spends $10 on a ticket. The Los Angeles Times on whether Hollywood is ready to grow up a little. By the way, I bet no.

No-win situation. Hosting the Oscars is a thankless job. If you don’t take risks and show too much reverence for the industry you get labeled a bore. If you take shots at Hollywood or go edgy then you’re crossing the line. Seth MacFarlane, who had no shortage of raunch and jokes in questionable taste during his stint as Oscar host, is being accused of being misogynistic and racist. Vulture and The Atlantic on why MacFarlane went too far. Of course, anyone who saw MacFarlane’s “Ted” or watched “Family Guy” should have had had a pretty good idea of what was coming. I’m curious as to whether ABC, which aired the Oscars and is overseen by one of the most powerful female executives in the industry (Anne Sweeney) had an issue with MacFarlane and/or tried to tone it down.

Losing points on service. Last year, the Federal Communciations Commission said Comcast had discriminated against the Tennis Channel and needed to carry the cable network in the same number of homes the cable operator carried its own sports networks (Golf Channel and NBC Sports Network). Comcast appealed on 1st Amendment grounds and on Monday judges at the U.S. Court of Appeals seemed to indicate in their questions that they thought the FCC overstepped its bounds. Coverage of the hearing from Broadcasting & Cable and Legal Times.


Times are changing. Nielsen ratings for last week will come out Tuesday. But do those numbers really matter anymore? After all, they don’t include people who watched via DVRs, video-on-demand or online. Nielsen is trying to play catch-up with changing media consumption habits but not fast enough for many in the TV industry. The Associated Press on the challenges Nielsen faces in TV measurement.

If you can make an arrest there, you can make it anywhere. Tuesday night CBS premieres a new police drama called “Golden Boy.” The show is the latest set in New York City, which is where the majority of such shows are based. USA Today on why the Big Apple is a favorite locale for cop dramas.

Inside the Los Angeles Times: A look at how Thursday went from NBC’s strongest night to its biggest headache.

Follow me on Twitter for crying out loud. @JBFlint.
