
Rob Lowe’s not completely sold on this new Ebola czar

Rob Lowe, shown in an April appearance on "The O'Reilly Factor" where he said wants the government "out of almost everything," can't quite fathom the administration's appointment of an Ebola czar who has no medical experience.
(Rob Kim / Getty Images)
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Rob Lowe’s a little concerned about the whole Ebola situation -- but not the same way Chris Brown was a few days back.

“Let me get this straight. The new ‘Ebola Czar’ has NO medical experience?!!,” the 50-year-old actor and father of two said Friday on Twitter. “This cannot possibly be correct.... “

Alas, he’s right.

The gig’s going to a guy who our colleagues in Washington, D.C., describe as a “longtime Democratic political operative.” But according to the Associated Press, the White House says that’s no biggie because the “Ebola response coordinator” gig is managerial -- as in, crisis managerial -- with no public health background needed.


Lowe has actually been irritated by the Ebola response all week, tweeting Monday, “Wow, this CDC press conference on Ebola is a train wreck. This guy is totally adrift.”

On Wednesday, he wondered, “Why do I feel like the Ebola experts sound like the Wizard Of Oz guy who said ‘Puh, puh, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!’?”

Contrast those observations to the opinion of R&B singer Brown, who posited early in the week that to him it seemed like maybe “this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control. ... getting crazy bruh.”


Breezy later told those who didn’t like what he had to say to, well, suck his hind end.

Alas, we digress.

“I don’t know exactly what is meant by a czar but we will certainly follow the lead of the president,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, a respected infectious disease specialist (think HIV/AIDS) and key player in shaping the U.S. response to the disease (think director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), when according to Yahoo News he was asked at a Friday news conference how he felt about possibly having another person to report to.

“I take care of patients and I do my job,” said Fauci, who was giving an update on the second nurse to come down with the disease in the U.S. “Other people do their job.”

Now Lowe, who we feel compelled to note played politics in “The West Wing” and portrayed Liberace’s doctor in “Behind the Candelabra,” did follow up his disbelieving Friday observation with a positive spin. Momentarily.


“At least our Surgeon General will be all over this Ebola problem,” the actor tweeted. “Oh, wait. Darn.”

Alas, Lowe’s right again. The U.S. hasn’t had an official surgeon general for about a year.

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