
ABC shifts ‘The View’ from entertainment to news division

From left, Whoopi Goldberg, Nicolle Wallace, Rosie Perez and Rosie O'Donnell appear on the Sept. 15 episode of "The View."
(Lou Rocco / Associated Press)
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NOTE: This post has been updated. See bottom for details.

Women of “The View”: Get ready for your press passes, because you are all journalists now.

In a surprise move, ABC announced Thursday that it is shifting the daytime chat fest from the network’s entertainment division to its news division.

That means that cohosts Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O’Donnell, Rosie Perez and Nicolle Wallace can now officially call themselves colleagues of “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir.

In a note to his staff on the matter, ABC News President James Goldston wrote that “The View” “has always operated at the intersection of opinion and news.”


Often, the show has seemed to operate more on the opinion side of that intersection. O’Donnell earlier this month opined that former President Clinton should have been prosecuted in connection with the Monica Lewinsky affair — with Goldberg quickly pointing out that he was, in the form of impeachment.

Perez also landed in hot water recently by misstating the Catholic Church’s policies on divorce. She later apologized.

It remains to be seen how much the move to the news division will affect what viewers see, or whether it will make the opinions any better-informed.


But the shift may have more to do with money than with content. “The View” has been struggling in the ratings for months, and shaking up the cast this season with the additions of O’Donnell, Perez and Wallace has not reversed the slide.

Even though it’s moving to the news side, “The View” will still have to compete with other daytime shows in the marketplace. Typically, advertisers on those types of shows are looking for viewers under age 49. News programs cater to a slightly older demographic, with viewers up to age 54 being counted.

Speaking of 50-somethings, that sums up most of “The View’s” panel. Wallace, the youngest, is 42 and the only member younger than 50. Goldberg is the senior member, at 58.


What do you think of “The View”?

NOTE: The wording in this post was changed to clarify that “The View” will still compete with other daytime programs for ad dollars, even though it will be a news show.

Twitter: @scottcollinsLAT
