
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend threaten legal action against ‘Pizzagate’ accuser

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The Daily Meal

Cookbook author Chrissy Teigen and her singer-songwriter husband John Legend are threatening legal action against a conspiracy theorist who they said made claims that the couple are involved in a child sex trafficking ring with their 1-year-old daughter, Luna. Self-described “journalist” Liz Crokin accused Teigen and Legend in a series of tweets, many of which have since been deleted, of being connected to a debunked rumor of a child sex ring in Washington, D.C., known as “Pizzagate.”

Although the conspiracy has the word “pizza” in the name and the famously food-forward model’s use of a pizza emoji is part of Crokin’s supposed evidence, the controversy has little to do with everyone’s favorite savory pie and more to do with pedophilia, so we won’t be discussing the theory further. The truly curious can learn all about “Pizzagate” here.

“Alright. I debated saying something about this but I’m pretty disturbed over here. The fact that there are people with really scary,” Teigen, who has since protected her tweets, began tweeting after Crokin used photos of Teigen’s daughter dressed in various costumes on her Twitter attempting to expose the star as a cog in the conspiracy.


”...apparently dressing my daughter as Alice in Wonderland and a hot dog and having a pizza emoji on Snapchat has to do with pizzagate and being uhhhh darksided. Holy sh*t That thread is wild. Enjoy,” the 32-year-old tweeted.

After Teigen alerted Twitter that someone with a verified blue check mark and 50,000 followers was using their account to harass her, Crokin’s verified status was stripped. “Thank you, Twitter, for verifying somebody who is esentially accusing me (with pictures of my daughter) of child abuse and pedophilia to their 50,000 followers,” the soon-to-be mother-of-two tweeted before action was taken. Crokin tweeted about the loss of her check mark but continued her tirade.

Since the tweets began, both Teigen and Legend have threatened Crokin with legal action for her wild accusations. Crokin has since deleted her some of her posts, perhaps in an attempt to evade a lawsuit, but it appears that Teigen took screenshots of the tweets. In an email to The Daily Meal Tuesday afternoon, Crokin -who once worked as a tabloid reporter - denied making the claim in the first place.


“I never accused John and Chrissy of trafficking their chil [sic]. That’s a flat out lie and my Twitter history proves it.” If you care to wade into this further you can see Crokin’s tweets here.

Since the incident erupted over the New Year’s Eve weekend, Teigen and Legend have received an outpouring of support from fans and friends on Twitter, including Chelsea Clinton, whose political family is the focal point of “Pizzagate.”

“Chrissy, sending you & beautiful Luna a huge hug. It is awful & never ok when people threaten or demean any child,” she wrote. “I’ve lost count of the Twitter accounts who’ve threatened Charlotte with #FGM. While I never bother to report threats against me, I now report every one against her.”


Although the internet can be a decidedly unfriendly place, there are still corners of cyberspace that can be cozy and good. Like right here! We’ve got the world’s 10 most delicious comfort foods all queued up for you and good to go.

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