
Dining deals hit home

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CONGRATULATIONS on a great article! [“Striking it rich,” Aug. 8.] At last you have recognized that there is life (and people who eat out) beyond the Westside, beach cities, Monterey Park and the San Fernando Valley. For the first time, you have reviewed eating establishments in the rest of the Southern California world.

J. Sandoval



You could find only one place in the San Fernando Valley? That’s why we want to secede from L.A.

Ron Lux

North Hills


After reading the article listing 25 places in L.A. to get a great meal for a great price, I decided to try No. 14, Folliero’s in Highland Park on Figueroa.


We were greeted by the owner’s pretty daughter, Titina, who was not even aware of the article. After reading it, she told us that her father comes in every morning to make the dough for the pizza, and he and only he, makes the dough -- that is why it’s really good! The dough is nice and light when baked, from a recipe he brought from Bologna, Italy, many years ago. Her father showed her once how to make it, but she’s since forgotten how. I told her to get a camcorder and document it for future reference.

J. de Castro

Los Angeles


I just finished reading “Striking It Rich” and love the recommendations. The article mentions that this is the third annual list of deals, delicacies and treats, and I was wondering how I could view the previous two lists? I wasn’t sure how to search the archives; could the past two articles get posted on the website?

Annie Kates

West Hollywood

The Food Editor responds:

We’re so glad you enjoyed this year’s roundup. If you go to, you’ll find links to the 2005 and 2006 delicious deals articles.
