
‘Cultural Politics of Seeds’ at UCLA on May 17

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The UCLA Center for the Study of Women will be presenting a symposium on the “Cultural Politics of Seeds” on May 17, as part of the Life (Un)Ltd project which explores the impact of recent developments in biotechnology and biosciences on feminist studies.

The daylong symposium will address how gender, ethnicity and race have shaped contemporary cultural and political movements related to seeds over four sessions covering seed genetics and seed sovereignty; local knowledge and global food networks; maize, migration and resistance in Mesoamerica; and unruly seeds and heritage foods.

Speakers will include David King of the Seed Library of Los Angeles; artist Matias Viegener, co-founder of Fallen Fruit (which currently has an exhibition at UCLA’s Art | Sci Center); human ecologist David Cleveland; ethno-ecologist Daniela Soleri; Zapotec farmer Lucilia Martínez Tezozomoc, vice president of the South Central Farmers Health and Education Fund; and professors and scholars with backgrounds in anthropology, law, English, geography, genetics and biology.


“Cultural Politics of Seeds” will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the presentation room of the Charles E. Young Research Library. While the event is free and open to the public, registration is required.


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