
New connected car will let you order pizza from the center dash

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We’re now in an age when cars can park themselves, you can 3-D print a bar of chocolate and you can text your fridge to ask if it’s time to buy more beer (LG Home Chat). So it was only a matter of time before someone developed a way to order pizza in traffic, with the touch of a button.

Visa Inc., Pizza Hut and Accenture, a Dublin-based tech company, are developing what they call a connected car. The vehicle will allow occupants to use the the dash of a connected car to make online purchases. And they are starting with pizza.

If you’re heading home from work, you’ll be able to use the car to order pizza, wings, and any other available items from Pizza Hut. We apologize if you thought you could somehow order Mozza.


After you’ve made your selections, the car uses Visa’s online payment services, called Visa-Checkout, to take care of the tab.

The car will also use Beacon technology, which tells the Pizza Hut staff when you’re arriving to pick up your order.

“By 2020 it is estimated that more than 250 million vehicles worldwide will include some form of embedded connectivity, said Bill Gajda, senior vice president of Innovation and Strategic Partnerships, Visa Inc. in a release. “As the number of connected cars on the road increases, so does our ability to bring secure online commerce to consumers everywhere.”


The car will be tested in Northern California during a three-month period this spring, and is being shown at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain — which is going on now.

The initial testing will feature pizza, but Visa has plans to expand the service to include a variety of in-car purchases including parking and transit fees, gasoline and more.

I like anchovies on my pizza. Follow me on Twitter @Jenn_Harris_
