
McDonald’s in Japan unveils McNuggets made from tofu, vegetables and fish

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McDonald’s is introducing a new twist on its classic McNuggets. Locations in Japan will begin serving a version of nuggets made with tofu, vegetables and fish, reported The Wall Street Journal.

Instead of chicken, the nuggets are made with tofu, onions, soybeans, carrots and minced fish. They’re called Tofu Shinjo Nuggets, to incorporate the name for Japanese fish cake, shinjo. You can check them out in the video above.

The nuggets will be available beginning Wednesday in packs of four for $2.44, for a limited time through September.

Don’t expect ketchup, ranch dressing or sweet and sour sauce to dunk them in. The new nuggets will be served with a special ginger-flavored sauce.


A McDonald’s Japan spokeswoman told the Wall Street Journal the nuggets taste just “a bit different” from the original. She said they were softer lower in calories than the chain’s chicken nuggets.

The move to tofu and fish nuggets comes just a week after McDonald’s announced it would stop using a Shanghai supplier accused of packaging and distributing expired meat products. According to the spokeswoman, plans to introduce the nuggets were in place long before the packaging plant incident.

A spokeswoman for McDonald’s in the U.S. could not comment on if the nuggets would make their way to the states.


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