
Readers React: Santa Monica spoiled by developers

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To the editor: Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade may make tourists and tax collectors happy, but it’s the bane of local residents. The crowds make a trip to downtown akin to traveling to Manhattan — as in New York City, not Manhattan Beach. (“Third Street Promenade steps successfully into its 25th anniversary,” Sept. 19)

The old Third Street may have become downtrodden, but it had character; the range of shops owned by local merchants gave it a unique identity. Now almost every store is part of a national or worldwide chain, and you don’t need to come to Santa Monica for that. You can get that anywhere.

We used to be a small city with great services and a responsive city council. Now we’re developer-friendly, deluded about the alleged benefits of the Expo Line and ready to throw residents off the pier if they interfere with tourist revenue.


Santa Monica used to be special. Now it’s just a haven for special interests.

Peter Altschuler, Santa Monica

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