
Opinion: Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have died needlessly. So much for ‘never again.’

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To the editor: I grew up learning that we were better than we were a century ago, that things like the Holocaust would never happen again. And yet, now I watch the news in shock and with tears as I realize that it just happened again in Aleppo, Syria. And we did nothing. (“The violence at Aleppo is a stain on the world’s conscience. And it will likely go unpunished,” editorial, Dec. 15)

I don’t know what we can do now, but I hope it’s a wake-up call finally to live up to our promises. I hope the next time we say “never again,” we really mean it.

Lena Khan, Rancho Cucamonga



To the editor: It is astounding to read The Times’ editorial placing blame on Russian President Vladimir Putin, the United Nations and Syrian leader Bashar Assad for the atrocities in Aleppo without mentioning President Obama’s “red line.”

The Times’ bias is well-known, but failure to mention this administration’s failures in Syria as part of the problem strikes me as rank partisanship.

Lynn Borland, Pacific Palisades



To the editor: This is President Obama’s legacy.

Nearly 500,000 Syrians people have been killed since the war broke out in 2011. An indecisive Obama made the situation much worse by drawing his “red line” in 2012.

The president’s inaction and “leading from behind” have had human consequences.

Rick Kern, Incline Village, Nev.

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