
For the record - April 8, 2014

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NSA wiretaps: An article in the April 7 Section A about a Colorado man challenging the law that allows warrantless foreign surveillance said that overseas wiretaps for foreign intelligence do not require a court order. They do require an individualized court order if the person targeted is an American. Also, the headline incorrectly identified the challenge as a lawsuit. Defendant Jamshid Muhtorov is challenging the surveillance as part of a defense motion to suppress evidence in a criminal case.

Mickey Rooney obituary: A caption that accompanied the obituary of actor Mickey Rooney in the April 7 Section A said that Rooney and Judy Garland were shown in a scene from the film “Girl Crazy.” The scene was from “Babes in Arms.” In addition, a caption in the same obituary misidentified actress Elaine Devry as Ava Gardner.

Flight 370: An article in the April 7 Section A about the detection of “pings” that could be from missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 said a Chinese patrol ship had picked up 37.5 MHz pulses, the same frequency emitted by a flight data recorder. The pulses were 37.5 KHz.


“Last Remaining Seats”: An article in the April 5 Saturday section about the Los Angeles Conservancy benefit film series said the series kicks off June 18 with “The Lady Eve.” That film leads off the series June 11.

Jeremiah Denton: An obituary in the March 29 LATExtra section for Jeremiah Denton said the Vietnam War hero had received the Distinguished Service Cross. His honors included the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Navy Cross.

Violin recital: A review in the April 6 Calendar section of a recital by violinist Pinchas Zukerman with pianist Yefim Bronfman at Walt Disney Concert Hall on Friday misspelled Zukerman’s name as Zuckerman.


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