
Brothers tried to save man who died in fall from party bus

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Two brothers tried to hold onto a 24-year-old man as he fell through the door of a party bus on the 101 Freeway last year before losing their grip and watching him fall to his death, a CHP report says.

More than two dozen passengers were aboard the white, 2001 Ford F-550 last September to celebrate a birthday when they reported feeling the bus jerk, according to the California Highway Patrol’s collision investigation report.

Witnesses told investigators that Christopher “C.J.” Saraceno II was standing by the passenger door, tuning the radio when he lost his balance and fell down the stairwell.


The door opened when he fell against it, and Brandon Janssen, 26, of Milford, Mich., heard his brother yell, “CJ fell out of the bus!” according to the report.

Reed Jacoby, 22, of Santa Monica told investigators that he saw Saraceno holding onto the step and a metal handle for two to three seconds. Brandon Janssen said he ran to the top of the stairwell and saw Saraceno holding onto the bus in a “jacknife position.”

As he gripped the safety bar, Brandon Janssen reach out and grabbed Saraceno’s shirt but only for about a second because he thought he was going to be pulled out too, he told investigators.


Brandon Janssen’s brother, Justin Janssen, 23, also from Milford, Mich., grabbed Saraceno’s right hand and arm but soon found his grip slipping. He told investigators it seemed as if Saraceno’s body would be sucked under the bus.

He finally had to let go because he thought he was going to be pulled out, he told investigators.

At the same time, several passengers were pounding on the barrier between the passenger area and the driver’s seat, yelling for the bus driver to stop.


After the driver stopped, some passengers ran on the shoulder of the freeway to try and stop other drivers from hitting Saraceno, but several vehicles were unable to avoid his body.

CHP investigators said the door was broken and did not lock properly. They said Saraceno died after being run over by the bus’ rear tires.

Both brothers sat in the bus afterward with their heads in the hands, according to the report.

The report also said the bus should not have been in service because of previous mechanical malfunctions that were never fixed.

Traffic investigators submitted their findings to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office last week and recommended Ayrapet Kasabyan, president of Hyros Corp., which operates Platinum Style Limousine Service, the owner of the bus company, be charged with murder.

The district attorney’s office said it is reviewing the report.
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