
San Diego judge OKs $25-million Trump University settlement

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A San Diego federal judge has approved the $25-million Trump University settlement, allowing the process of notifying class members to begin.

Lawyers for both sides filed a document Monday evening asking for preliminary approval of the settlement, and U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel responded with his approval 24 hours later.

The settlement — reached Nov. 18, just days before the first of the cases was set to go to trial — resolves three lawsuits against President-elect Donald Trump’s real estate success program.


Trump, who said he wanted to focus on his transition to the White House, admitted no wrongdoing as part of the agreement.

With preliminary approval granted, the roughly 7,000 class members will begin receiving notifications by mail within 15 days. A notice also will be published in USA Today.

The class members can fill out a one-page claim form, which can be accessed via the settlement website. Members also can call (866) 841-7311 for more information.


Class members will have 75 days — by about March 1 — to turn in their forms or to object in writing to the settlement terms.

The settlement calls for $21 million to go to class members involved in two San Diego lawsuits. An additional $4 million resolves a lawsuit brought by the New York attorney general.

Trump has agreed to deposit the full settlement amount in an escrow account by Jan. 18.

A final approval hearing is set for March 30.

Davis writes for the San Diego Union-Tribune.

