
Letters: What ails the state GOP

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Re “Ugly numbers for the GOP,” Column, March 4

George Skelton writes that the California Republican Party is “too white.” It doesn’t make any difference what race Republicans are. The party should be judged on what it does and how it benefits society.

The Republicans’ challenge is that Democrats have inaccurately defined what the GOP is, and they’ve been aided by a complicit media. Consequently, a lot of non-Republicans have a misconception of who Republicans really are.


Republicans have failed to give others a motivation to find out who Republicans are. Many non-Republicans, happy with the benefits they get from government, have no incentive to reduce the size of government. When they realize that Republicans want to provide them even higher benefits and free them from their bondage to federal and state programs, they will come to our party.

Gary Aminoff

Beverly Hills


It appears that Skelton’s critique of the California Republican Party applies nationally. As California and the nation have become the most diverse they have ever been, the GOP has become less diverse. Maybe the elephant symbol needs to be replaced by the more appropriate one of a middle-aged white evangelical male gun owner.

The GOP strategy against President Obama has always been to portray him as the “other.” How are we to believe this GOP is capable of embracing diversity?

Stan Seidel


Rancho Palos Verdes


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