
Readers React: Dear America: Don’t elect Donald Trump -- it wouldn’t be like you

Donald Trump gestures as he speaks to supporters during a rally at Lakefront Airport in New Orleans on March 4.

Donald Trump gestures as he speaks to supporters during a rally at Lakefront Airport in New Orleans on March 4.

(Dan Anderson / EPA)
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To the editor: My American friends, you know I love you. I have been welcomed by you so many times. However, I am afraid — for the future of America and the world. Each time you go to the polls, I watch carefully, because what you do and whom you choose to lead your country have an enormous impact on us all. Will this period in American and world history be marked by hatred and fear, or will you seek better lives for the people who struggle? (“Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States,” editorial, March 2)

I have been through two wars with you — literally. I have been to Iraq and Afghanistan. Now is the time to help, to prevent people in many areas from becoming terrorists. The hatred and separation advocated by Donald Trump will not provide the healing that the world needs.

The world needs an American president with a good heart, someone who will pursue peace and take care of the many, many Americans who struggle. I wish that many of you could live with less fear and with more abundance, so you wouldn’t be frightened into voting for a man like Trump. On the other side, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) talks about democratic socialism, which scares many of my American brothers and sisters. But think about it: Would you feel better if you knew that even though you were a single self-employed mother, you would never lose the ability to feed your children, and you would have access to free day care for your child so you could work during the day? That is what I have in Denmark.


I hope Americans vote for safety for all, for not being afraid, for working together. I really love America, and I wish you all the best.

Sisse Dall, Copenhagen, Denmark


To the editor: Without strongly exercising the free press freedoms of our 1st Amendment, our nation’s news media will fail to slam the door on Trump’s demagoguery. His candidacy undermines what the majority of Americans know about U.S. democracy and basic human dignity.


Thinking men and women of the media, exercise your rights and your duty. It’s no longer morning in America. It’s twilight. It’s crunch time.

It’s time for the nation’s free press to raise its stout voices against Trump’s free but clueless speech against what we hold sacred. The Times’ scathing editorial against Trump gives me hope and reason to believe that better hearts and minds will prevail.

John Gabriel, Chicago



To the editor: So The Times’ problem is this: We the people continue to support Trump even though other politicians and “experts” — including yourselves — tell us he is unfit to be president. You imply that we are either stupid, angry or hoodwinked by his charisma.

What you do not understand is this: We the people feel that political correctness has limited honest discourse on immigration and many other issues. We also think that the phony rhetoric and decorum you seem to cherish in politicians has led to the destruction of the middle class and 25 disastrous years of war in the Middle East.

What you forget is this: We the people are not your vassals. You are not superior to us.

Tell the Republican establishment the time for neoconservatives is over. Tell the Democrats that an election is too important to be decided in favor of candidates who cynically play the race card in order to draw attention away from the fact they are bought and paid for by obscenely rich individuals who care little for their fellow citizens.

As we used to say in the 1960s, “Power to the people!”

Richard Keeling, Torrance


To the editor: Your editorial about Trump is correct and irrelevant at the same time.

Trump is not being judged based on his fitness for the job. His popularity is high among those who are not happy with the status quo. We would not have Trump’s or Sanders’ continuing campaigns if our elected officials hadn’t ignored the wishes of their constituents and disregarded us in favor of their large-money contributors.

The rebellion has begun, and who knows where it will end?

Heiko Peschel, Lake Forest



To the editor: I’m an old-school conservative Republican and I could not agree more with your editorial, but what am I to do?

The other Republican choices are Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Marco Rubio (Fla.). On the other side is Hillary Clinton, who has always “tried to tell the truth.”

I have everyone to vote against but no one to vote for.

Thomas Michael Kelley, Newbury Park


To the editor: It is just mind boggling why nobody seems to get it. It is not Trump who is the problem. All the attacks, insults and negative analysis hurled at Trump by pundits and political gurus are pointless if their purpose is to have Trump removed from the political arena.

The real problem is the people supporting him and who have voted for Trump in the recent primaries. I am appalled at the level of intelligence of these people.

These people are irrational, and their voting preference is guided by their emotions. That is the problem.


Herbert P. Pangyarihan, Lakewood


To the editor: The Times is now 134 years old. This is one of the most important editorials of the last 50 years.

The danger to this country is palpable. Well done.

Gary Gorlick, Beverly Hills

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