
Readers React: No more wriggle room for AEG’s football stadium

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To the editor: Before Los Angeles gives away any more to get an NFL football team, we might want to remember that we are assisting unrestrained sports networks, billionaire owners and millionaire players all in search of way to separate us from our money. (“AEG asks for 6-month extension to woo NFL team to Los Angeles,” Sept. 29)

This is the same group that has no city loyalty and will leave or extort more concessions before the stadium is paid for. This is the same league that has charged so much for attendance that all but the rich are excluded. Oh, then there are the riots when the team wins, riots when the team loses, domestic violence off the field, regular violence in the stands and parking lots, inane broadcasters, traffic snarls and police overtime.

The mega-rich pushing for this don’t have the interest of L.A. residents in mind. The City Council should not be abetting the NFL in coming to town, as we’ll end up with a very expensive stadium that no one wants. We gave the last one to USC.


Joseph Haythorn, Los Angeles


To the editor: Regarding Tuesday’s article reporting that Anschutz Entertainment Group is seeking more time to reach an accord to bring a NFL team to Los Angeles in a yet-to-be-built stadium, all future contracts for downtown developments that anticipate thousands of attendees should be required to add lanes to existing freeway exits and entrances or to construct new ones.

Downtown roads already become hopeless when there are events in existing structures. I spent 25 minutes last Sunday going four blocks to get into the Walt Disney Concert Hall parking lot.


New construction projects must be required to relieve the problems they cause as part of the permitting process.

Meg Coulter, Los Angeles

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