
Readers React: Middle-class tuition aid on the way

Madison Acampora, shown in her room at home in El Cajon, Calif., has been accepted to UCLA and is hoping to receive one of the first state scholarships designed to help middle-class families with education expenses at California's public universities.
(Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: I can’t believe a state program for middle-class students will soon provide aid to families that earn up to $150,000 annually. As your article said: “The assistance is an attempt to help middle-class families that earn more than $80,000 and typically aren’t eligible for the federal and state grants that cover much or all of the tuition for lower-income students.” ( “Middle-class tuition aid on the way,” June 24)

You mean to tell me these families earning $80,000 to $150,000 can’t help their children? Oh, I forgot, they have to pay thousands every month for their million-dollar homes, hundreds for gardeners, servants, gym memberships, dinners out, etc.

State and federal aid should be for those students in lower-income families. How many students smart enough to go to college are from families that really need the help but aren’t able to receive it? Where is the money for this program going to come from?


Barbara Evans, Canoga Park


To the editor: Not mentioned in your article is a dirty not-so-secret: As aid increases for students, colleges just raise tuition and other fees because more people can now “afford” it. This is just another step in that vicious cycle.

Tom Sella, Port Hueneme



To the editor: Thanks for your article on this good news for some. But, unless things have changed since my last child was in college two years ago, low-income widows like me can be denied financial aid because life insurance policy payouts are counted as income by the federal and college financial aid officers.

My husband’s life insurance was just enough to cover our mortgage and send two kids through the California State University system, which provided them both with excellent educations. While my sons hankered to apply to some UCs, I refused because it was not affordable.

Laura Jaoui, Claremont



To the editor: I would like to offer my thoughts on student college tuition being paid by the California taxpayer. I am willing to do so if the education benefits the state. In other words, if the student takes classes in science or engineering or business, I’ll pay for it. Those classes have a needed job basis here.

I am unwilling to pay for ego and nonsense classes such as feminist studies or theater arts or Latino studies. There are no jobs waiting for graduates of these college majors.

Robert M. Rosenthal, Burbank
