
Readers React: Democratic candidates had a great time in San Francisco. They should be in Nebraska

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To the editor: A remark in an article on the recent California Democratic Party convention in San Francisco, about how presidential candidates would have better reason travel here than, “say, Omaha,” misses the mark.

As important as California is, it’s not in our best interest to ignore the opportunities that other states present in the goal of defeating President Trump. They are our fellow Americans, and they vote.

For example, catastrophic flooding this year in much of Nebraska annihilated roads, homes, farmland and livestock, devastating statewide transportation as well as livelihoods. Federal aid has been held up. Farmers who escaped flood damage contend with poor planting conditions and rightfully anticipate low crop prices due to tariffs. Small farmers may not qualify for subsidies.


Although historically a Republican stronghold, a smart Democratic nominee would spend time in Nebraska to listen and reflect on consequences of climate change and poor infrastructure maintenance, as well discuss how to rebuild for a more diversified future with wind farming, technology and other industries that can dovetail with agriculture.

There are equally important issues in every one of our states, and voters need to see that a Democrat in the White House will be their best choice.

Amy Dennis, Ojai



To the editor: I saw that moderates at the Democratic convention in San Francisco were jeered by passionate supporters of impeaching Trump.

Not long ago the Republican Party shed its moderate roots and became a far-right organization. As a result, only a few moderates were left who would cooperate with Democrats on legislation.


Have the moderates in the Democratic Party similarly been made irrelevant?

George Shahinian, Huntington Beach


To the editor: If former Vice President Joe Biden is afraid, apparently, to speak to California liberals during their convention, what kind of backbone would he have speaking to foreign dictators as president?

Maybe we will find out when Biden speaks to Iowa Democrats at their convention this weekend. Oh, wait — Biden is planning to skip that event too.

Robin Itzler, Cypress

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