
Rotary Club of Laguna Beach awards thousands to community groups

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The Rotary Club of Laguna Beach recently awarded more than $12,000 in community grants to several nonprofits, according to a news release.

Organizations that received a share of the grant money include the Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach, Laguna Beach Seniors, Laguna Outreach Community Arts, KX 93.5, Helping Hand Worldwide and the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.

Proceeds from admission sales and registration fees from the club’s annual Classic Car Show last year made up the purse, said Rick Lang, the club’s public relations chairman.


Every year the club places a notice seeking grant requests in local newspapers, Lang said. A committee then reviews and awards recipients.

This year’s car show is scheduled for Oct. 2. For more information, visit


Bryce Alderton,


Twitter: @AldertonBryce
