
Michigan Coach Jim Harbaugh fires back at sports talk host Jim Rome after on-air criticism

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Jim Harbaugh isn’t going to take criticism from Jim Rome quietly

After a Tuesday morning radio rant in which Rome called Harbaugh “miserable” and said “ he's not going to last long” in Ann Arbor, the second-year Michigan football coach took to Twitter to put the longtime sports talk show host in his place.

Harbaugh posted a video clip of an infamous 1994 TV interview, during which Rome was physically attacked by Jim Everett after provoking the then-NFL quarterback one too many times.

“Do you remember the provocateur who went personal with another Big 10 QB and had the tables turned on him? ,“ Harbaugh wrote.

Not sure if Harbaugh meant he was turning the tables simply by posting the clip or if he was trying to issue a stronger warning to the on-air personality.

Either way, Rome doesn’t seem intimidated, judging his retweet of Harbaugh’s post and a jab at the coach featuring the score of Michigan’s blowout loss to Ohio State last season.

On Monday, Harbaugh ended a media session shortly after complaining about the number of questions reporters were asking about two suspended players and their failure to appear in a team photo.

"That's why I don't give you any information because you're never satisfied," Harbaugh said at the time. "You always want a second question, a third question, a fourth question. I just said we'd handle it internally. Thank you."

Rome went off on the coach, who was not on the air with him, the next day:

"They're never satisfied or you never answer a question? What's your deal? You suspended the players? Who are they and what did they do to get suspended? I know you think that everybody is the enemy, especially the media, but these reporters are not trying to crack into the mainframe or steal your playbook ... they're doing their job. Maybe you forgot over the summer that it's their job to cover your team, not ask you what your favorite 'Drake' album is.

"If anybody thought this was going to be a kinder, gentler Harbaugh since he went home to Ann Arbor to rescue the football program, make no mistake, it's the same exact guy. Nothing's changed. Same exact dude that got run from [San Francisco] because he was miserable, he runs way too hot and wears people hot. ... Unbelievable coach and I'm sure he'll do a great job there.

"Michigan fans will love this guy for winning, they'll love him even more if he can beat Michigan State, they'll love him more than that if he can find a way to get over Ohio State. But anybody who thinks Harbaugh is wired to grow old in that job is kidding themselves. Enjoy it while it lasts. ... This cat runs way too hot. If he can't get through an August press session, media session, when they're asking him about guys who can't get through a team photo, he's not going to last long."


