
From the Archives: Turkey prizes at 1932 shooting contests

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Turkeys were given away as prizes at 1932 shooting contests sponsored by the Los Angeles Police Department Revolver Club. These two photos — with ready-to-pluck turkeys — were taken to promote the events.

The left photo of Betty Carrillo accompanied a story in the Dec. 17, 1932, Los Angeles Times reporting:

That turkey for Christmas for two-bits, maybe, is the opportunity offered everyone attending the two-day Christmas turkey shoot today and tomorrow at the police pistol range in Elysian Park. The shoot is being conducted under the auspices of the Los Angeles Police Department Revolver Club.


There will be pistol and small bore rifle matches for professionals, amateurs and for those who have never shot before and a number of novelty games such at Tango for persons who prefer to try their skill that way. Entry fees are 25 and 50 cents and, according to the club’s announcement, a turkey is given away with each match. A grand prize of a twenty-five-pound gobbler also will be given at 4 p.m. tomorrow.

During the two-day Thanksgiving shoot last November, more that 250 turkeys were won by contestants, according to Deputy Chief Davis, president of the club.

In the right image above, Carrillo poses with Los Angeles Police Chief Roy E. Steckel, center, and Deputy Chief James E. Davis.


These two photos appear to have been taken to promote the original Thanksgiving shoot mentioned in the above story. A similar photo of Carrillo, Steckel and Davis appeared in the Nov. 19, 1932, Los Angeles Times accompanying a story on the Thanksgiving shooting contest.

In 1933, Davis replaced Steckel as police chief.

No other information about Carrillo was available.

See more from the Los Angeles Times archives here
