
UC Regents Tentatively Adopt 9.1% Increase in Student Fees


A tentative plan raising student fees next year by 9.1% and thus generating $16.1 million in additional revenue for the University of California was approved Friday by the UC Board of Regents.

The plan, which would go into effect in the fall of 1987, is subject to overall state budgetary decisions by the Legislature and the governor. Although Gov. George Deukmejian refused Friday to say what his plans are for next year, over the last two years he has provided the nine-campus UC system with enough additional funds so that it did not have to impose any fee increases.

As a result of the state’s policies, UC’s fees have remained well below that of other comparable institutions around the country. This year, UC undergraduates paid $1,343 compared to an average $1,868 charged by similar public universities in other states. Graduate students paid $1,385, compared to an average $2,221.


The proposed 9.1% hike would bring the average annual student fee at UC to $1,375 for state residents.

A 5% hike in non-resident tuition would raise charges for out-of-state students to $4,290. Those students pay in-state fees as well, thus bringing their proposed total to $5,665, considerably above the average elsewhere.
