
Anaheim : Man in Jail Is Booked in Roommate’s Murder


A man already in jail on an unrelated charge was booked Thursday on suspicion of murder in the death of his former roommate earlier in the week, a police spokesman said.

Anaheim Police Sgt. Michael Gray said Fred Rick Atherton, 30, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of auto theft. He was booked again Thursday in the death of John Otto Beday, 35, who was shot once in the head Monday while standing in front of a friend’s house in the 1000 block of Irene Street.

Gray said an investigation revealed that Beday and Atherton had been involved in a dispute over property and money after they abandoned a home they shared. He said witnesses identified Atherton as the assailant.


He said Atherton remained in the Anaheim City Jail. No bail has been set, but an arraignment is scheduled for today.
