
SHORT TAKES : Pavarotti Notes Surroundings

From Times Wire Services

In the world designed by Italian opera star Luciano Pavarotti, there are no smoky rooms or steps to climb off stage. The decor is in jewel tones and there is a king-size bed, a large television screen, a videocassette recorder and Italian movie tapes.

Those are among the particulars the famously particular tenor made with his reservations at the Blakely Hotel, where he will stay while here for a performance Sunday.

That’s not all his musical heart desires. Pavarotti also wants humidifiers in his room to keep his voice clear, large chairs with footstools in his dressing room and an electric golf cart to take him from the plane to the limousine and his dressing room.


Pavarotti chose the Blakely from photographs his secretary made last summer.
