
Amphitheater Noise


We bought our house in 1978, long before our State Fair Board decided to put an outdoor amphitheater in the midst of our residential neighborhood. During the season, there are usually two concerts a week that rock our house--even with all the doors and windows closed. And we live 2 miles away, as the crow flies.

A few weeks ago, we had an out-of-town guest, and we had to leave for hours because of the concert. We could probably reap a nice penny renting seats on the front lawn, because you can hear the lyrics.

We have been plagued with the noise, the congestion and the rubbish (thrown by) people going to and from (the amphitheater), to say nothing of the lawns they trample.

Unfortunately, Ned West, who runs these concerts, is glad to pay the fines for exceeding the noise limits because he is making so much money on the concerts.


The state board has foisted this on us, and we, the citizens of Costa Mesa, are powerless. Agencies concerned with noise pollution have singled out this amphitheater as an example of what should not be allowed.


Costa Mesa
