
‘No Thanks’ to Early Mola Vote; Read Initiative Before Signing

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Your editorial (“Thanks for Offer but No Thanks,” Feb. 13) calls for an early election on the Mola project. We disagree. You fail to note that the vote will be on a legally unanalyzed, brand-new proposal which binds the city to a 70-page document recently written by Mola for maximum Mola profit, disregarding the health and safety of future residents!

It will be an election to approve an altered version of the former highly refined project! Once voted in, this plan cannot be revised or perfected, even by another referendum. Its specific terms, good and bad, are forever cast in stone. This is another case of legislation by initiative.

What happens if misled voters approve it and an earthquake occurs after its completion? Your editorial neglects to state the project will erect homes directly on or adjacent to the Newport-Inglewood fault. Many houses will be located on a low-lying, high-liquefaction zone subjected to oil extraction for the last 50 years.


The low-lying land, part of the last open space in this city, is unsuitable for housing. That’s why it remained undeveloped. Previous city councils were negligent in not properly rezoning the land for prudent development. City residents rightly oppose more traffic and more crowding originating from this obviously dangerous site.

Our present City Council favors a vote. But it should not move forward quickly. The vote should be taken at the next general election, saving election costs, unless The Times would prefer to finance it.

