
Crenshaw : Travel Industry Training to Begin


American Tours International presented a $50,000 check to Urban League officials last week to launch a tourism and travel industry training program in March that will operate in conjunction with the league.

Participants will be schooled in tourism and travel trade, including customer relations, sales, booking and tour announcing. Once training is complete, ATI will place most of the graduates in positions within the company, said Urban League President John Mack.

Training, free to the participants, will be conducted at the Urban League’s Crenshaw headquarters at 3450 Mount Vernon Drive, and ATI’s corporate office at 6053 W. Century Blvd.


The size of the classes has not been determined.

The check presentation came during the grand opening of the company’s corporate headquarters near Los Angeles International Airport.

The 14-year-old ATI has a history of involvement with the Urban League. Last fall, the company sponsored a two-week cross-country bus tour that allowed 69 local teen-agers to travel across the nation and meet President Clinton at the White House.

Mack said that ATI President Noel Irwin-Hentschel, a South Los Angeles native who was also recently named to the Urban League board, is setting a good example to other companies by demonstrating a solid commitment to building Los Angeles.

Information: (213) 299-9660.
