
Glued to the Keyboard? Time to Punch Up a Pizza

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So you wanna order a pizza? Well, keep in mind that this is the digital age.

First, you’ll need a personal computer with a modem. And a direct connection to the Internet computer network. Oh, and some software called Mosaic, which incidentally can be kind of a pain to install but once up and running allows you to browse the “World Wide Web,” complete with pictures, sound and video clips.

You’re no doubt hungry now, so at the prompt, type

Up comes an illustrated menu. All you need to do is type in your name, address, phone number and selection. Feel like a Super Supreme tonight? Just click. Fiber-optic cables take care of the rest. You pay when it arrives at your door.

Welcome to cyberspace, where Pizza Hut on Monday began testing the first pizza delivery service over the information superhighway. For the pilot program, a Pizza Hut outlet in Santa Cruz has been hooked up to a server at the firm’s Wichita, Kan., headquarters. Depending on customer response, the service--dubbed PizzaNet--may be expanded to other areas after 90 days. It may not be a huge revenue generator right now, concedes Pizza Hut technology expert Jon Payne, but the minimal cost of running it makes it worth a try. “I don’t think this is going to replace the phone,” he said, “but there are a lot of people out there signing up for the Internet, and this is just one more way to provide for our customers.”
