
PACOIMA : County to Repair Pavement at Airport

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There will be less bumping and grinding in and around Whiteman Airport, thanks to Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky’s plan to seal cracked and chipped pavement in taxiways, aprons, parking lots and roads leading to the Pacoima airfield.

Beginning in June, fissures, potholes and other defects in airport-related roadways and lots will be repaired with a mixture of sand and rubberized asphalt derived from recycled tires.

“It’s a good thing for the environment to find a use for all those rubber tires that take up room in the landfills,” said Joel Bellman, a spokesman for Yaroslavsky.


The project will be administered by the county Department of Public Works and financed through the county’s aviation fund.

Bidding for the work will open on April 25, and the project is slated to take about 20 days to complete. Work will begin in June and end in July and will require no road closures.
