
Blinded by the White in Orange County


I am so thrilled to see another television show based on the myth that there are only white people in the world (“Suddenly, O.C. Leads the Hip Parade,” July 19). Forget the fact that Asians, blacks and Hispanics surf, attend school and work in Orange County. Forget the fact that some cities in Orange County are predominately minority. Instead, write and produce a comforting myth that ensures work for melanin-deprived people.

It is chilling how the media shape perception. It is chilling that so many people in the industry are blind to the other hues working and studying right beside them. TV programs like “The O.C.” give a sinister meaning to the term “whitewash.”

Desiree Zamorano



Did anyone besides myself find it ironic that Orange County measures its new sense of “hipness” via a shopping mall? Thanks for the laugh.


Lori Agostino

Los Angeles


I came, I saw, I yawned, I left. L.A. forever, baby.

Richard Hom

