
‘Dumb Tourist’ irks and amuses


THE good news is that Susan Spano does not own a car. The bad news is that she rents them [“Where’s the Dumb Tourist Clause?” Her World, Dec. 4].

Drivers like her have made it impossible for the rest of us to obtain rental-car insurance in Ireland using our credit cards.


San Clemente



I read with amusement Susan Spano’s article about purchasing “full” auto insurance. As a frequent traveler, I too have pondered the question -- “to buy or not to buy” additional auto insurance.

However, on a recent trip to South Africa, I made the right decision. South Africa is notorious for head-on collisions and the dangers of driving at night. Consequently, as I checked in to pick up my auto in George, I decided that driving on the left side of the road with a manual vehicle was probably not a good idea.

After conferring with my travel mates, we decided that the extra insurance was worth the price.

I found the roads to be very good and quickly adjusted to driving on the left side. We had a chant we repeated in the car -- “stay left, stay left, stay left.” My nemesis was not another car ... no, it was a guinea fowl. These rotund, chicken-sized birds can be seen frequently on the side of the road.

I was quickly approaching one on a country road at 80 mph. There was no oncoming traffic so I moved to the right as I got closer. Needless to say, at the last minute the bird crossed the road. The impact was loud and quick. I saw feathers shoot out the side of the car through my rearview mirror. My travel mates were aghast.

Yes, I felt sorry for the bird ... but worse was the damage to the bumper -- it had been visibly dislodged. Luckily for us, we managed to force it back into place. But I’m still glad I had the extra insurance just in case.



