
Bloody Mary mixes

Los Angeles Times

Here are some good Bloody Mary mixes to get you started.

• Hoosier Momma, not for wimps, this new kid on the block may become the gold standard; available in Southern California only by mail order at

• Zing Zang, award-winning peppery blend, almost as thick and turbo-charged as Hoosier Momma, and available in most supermarkets and liquor stores.

• Dr. Swami & Bone Daddy’s, another rich blend. Rule of thumb, if it’s red as a firetruck, it’s no good. This mix, like the others, is almost burgundy; available at Bristol Farms.

•D emitri’s, highly popular spice kit that comes in several blends. Remember to buy tomato juice, for unlike the others, this is a spice kit, not a full mix. Available on Amazon.
