
Readers React: Drug courts help hard-core addicts

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To the editor: The article notes that in many areas, most participants in drug courts are low-level marijuana users. In fact, a mere 5% of drug courts serve marijuana cases; the rest serve hardcore addicts addicted to heroin, crack cocaine and methamphetamine. (“Drug courts, meant to aid addicts, now a battlefield of pot politics,” July 26)

Two decades ago the earliest drug courts focused on lower-level possession charges because those were the only cases prosecutors would agree to divert from incarceration. However, as research proved that drug courts are most effective for hardcore addicts, prosecutors grew more confident and the programs began serving seriously addicted, prison-bound, felony offenders.

In so doing, drug courts reduce drug abuse and related crime more than any other option, and reward taxpayers with a $3 return on investment for every $1 spent.


Drug-legalization proponents need a more vulnerable scapegoat than drug courts to push their agenda.

West Huddleston, Alexandria, Va.

The writer is chief executive of the National Assn. of Drug Court Professionals.
